Content Planners in PDF form - how to fill in

All our content planner documents can be completed on screen i.e. you can type directly into the answer block areas inside the PDF file.

  1. The documents are in PDF FORM layout and you will require Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to complete the forms.

  2. Open the PDF document. If you find that you cannot type into the answer areas on the form, it could mean that you do not have the Reader software installed. 

  3. You can easily download this free software from Adobe.  Click on this link to go to the Adobe Website and follow the instructions to quickly install the software. DO NOT INSTALL THE OPTIONAL OFFERS (deselect) before clicking on the Install button.

  4. After you have entered all your answers, simply save the file with your company name at the front. (You don't have to enter all the answers in one sitting - you can save the file frequently and come back to it over a number of sessions if you like.

  5. Once everything is complete, create an Email, attached the saved Planner file and send it to us at the email address on page 1 of the document.

  6. Don't forget to upload any text files, and photos into the Project Files area on the Client Portal.

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